Food security initiative

Food security initiative

Food security initiative




To enhance the dignity and Quality of life of Families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity and helping people in need reach their full potential through morden practices and hard work.

Mission Statement

About Us

About Us

Our Vision

Empowering communities for a brighter future, our vision is to enhance the well-being of families, eliminate barriers to opportunity, and unleash full potential through modern practices and unwavering dedication.

Our Background

Our Background

To promote sustainable agricultural practices, protect the environment and strengthen rural market's in africa,where all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food,that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for active and healthy life.

To promote sustainable agricultural practices, protect the environment and strengthen rural market's in africa,where all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food,that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for active and healthy life.

What We Fight for

What We Fight for

Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Sustainable Agricultural

It ensures economic stability for farmers, fostering long-term food security and community well-being.

Environmental Protection


Sustainable agriculture conserves the environment, preventing soil degradation and maintaining biodiversity.

Food Security

Food security ensures that all individuals have consistent access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food.

Strengthen Rural Market

Strengthening rural markets boosts local economies by promoting fair trade, fostering community development.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Address: Food security initiative

Reg.NGO NoTR/INC 4622

P.O Box 1843 Blantyre

Tel..+265 994083676/+265 994083671

Address: Food security initiative

Reg.NGO NoTR/INC 4622

P.O Box 1843 Blantyre

Tel..+265 994083676/+265 994083671

Address: Food security initiative

Reg.NGO NoTR/INC 4622

P.O Box 1843 Blantyre

Tel..+265 994083676/+265 994083671